New Tecumsth Puppy




Battling mosquitoes?

I'm an Avon
Sales Dealer

Skin So Soft
oils and lotions

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...dedicated to the community of New Tecumseth and Adjala-Tosorontio, our home

Mission Statement

To provide a high quality electronic network that enhances and strengthens Adjala Tosorontio and New Tecumseth and promotes a healthy and safe environment for ourselves and our families.


is for "the little guy"... the homemaker, daycare provider, student, the guy tinkering in his garage, the dog walker... our families. Everyone has something to offer and few of us know the skills and potential that exist steps away from our front doors.

The website will unite the community to enable sharing of strengths and resources to enhance our community. We will strengthen from within… by knowing and supporting our neighbours.


User feedback, business records, and site use patterns will be continuously analysed to determine site enhancement and marketing strategies. I will give the public what it likes and wants…with decisions based on data.

is not responsible for the quality of items and services offered within the site.
Please contact the supplier of the item or service directly for any information.
©2004 Sandra Cavers
last modified: 27 July, 2004