serving New Tecumseth (Tottenham, Alliston,
, Adjala
and our neighbours
in Simcoe County



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the Farmer's Corner


Easy and tasty ways to do your part for climate change
and to support local farming!

Did You Know:

  • Our average meal travels about 2,500 km to our plates. In the 60’s, 70% of our food was local.
  • It takes 400 times more energy to ship lamb from New Zealand than to buy local lamb
  • 435 calories of energy are used to move a 7 calorie strawberry from
    California to Simcoe County
  • what we eat is responsible for 20% to 25% of Canada’s greenhouse gases. Only 10% of the fossil fuel used is actually used on the farm - the other 90% goes into packaging, transportation, and marketing.
  • every $1 spent on local food generates more than $2 in other business


Are you looking for another tool to market
your home raised and grown fresh food?

A committee looking at developing a Local Guide for Simcoe County would like to hear from you. The purpose of the Guide is to increase consumer awareness on the availability of locally grown food products.

The Simcoe County
Farm Fresh - Buy Local Guide

  • will feature information on farm locations and produce
    to help promote Simcoe County grown products to consumers.
  • will encorage people living in and visiting Simcoe County to:
    • shop the local Farmers’ Markets and Farm Gate Sales
    • buy as close to home as possible
    • eat “in season

If you are interested in becoming part of this guide or have comments: call:

the Agricultural Information Contact Centre
toll free at 1-877-424-1300

for more info see the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Press Release

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Please contact the supplier of the item or service directly for any information.
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©2004 Sandra Cavers
last modified: 23 August, 2005